

     Washington College is excited to offer a wide range of academic opportunities for undergraduate students, as well as high school students, working adults, and more. We will be offering in person and remote classes, to allow learners to access our exceptional 来自世界各地的节目(尽管我们 are 夏季偏爱切斯特河). 无论你从哪里加入我们,请放心,你会发现丰富 opportunities to expand your academic horizons, enhance your skills, and experience 无与伦比的文科教育. 继续建设你的未来 us this summer at WC.


    Cost of Attendance

    Summer courses are open to:

    • Current Students & Incoming First Year Students 
    • Non-Degree Seeking Students (including students from other Colleges and Universities) 

    夏季学期的学费为2300美元. 住宿费用为每晚. Meals can be purchase individually.



    Know what you are looking for?    


    Classes in Summer Term Session 1 are offered online, in person, and as hybrid (where 学生可任选其一). 请务必查看mode列以了解是哪种模式 教师在提供课程时选择的选项. These are 4 credit courses, unless otherwise noted.

    Classes are from May 28 - June 21, 2024, with no classes on June 19th (Emancipation Day). Course descriptions 在本页下方提供的 

    Instructor's Name

    Course Name

    Course Title




    Friday Lab

    R.C. De Prospo


    AMS/ENG 209





    Jason Patterson

    Introductory Drawing Studio

    ART 261





    Austin Lobo

    Computer Science 1

    CSI 111





    L. Michelle Johnson

    Educational Psychology

    EDU 252





    Amber Taliancich


    ENG 103





    James Hall

    Intro to Poetry

    ENG 222



    SMITH 111


    Rebecca Mensch


    ENV 101

    M-Th 12:2:45; 


    CMWL 210 (LEC) & 204 (LAB)

    Friday 1:00-5:00

    Dylan Poulsen


    MAT 109



    DUNN N103


    Shaun Ramsey

    Differential Calculus

    MAT 111



    DALY 106


    Jonathan McCollum

    World Music & Ethnomusicology

    MUS 104





    Joseph Prud'homme

    SpTp: Monotheisms

    PHL 294





    View Course Descriptions



    Classes in Summer Term Session 2 are offered online, in person, and as hybrid (where 学生可任选其一). 请务必查看mode列以了解是哪种模式 教师在提供课程时选择的选项. These are 4 credit courses, unless otherwise noted.

    Classes are from June 24 - July 19, 2024, with no classes on July 4th (Independence Day). Course descriptions 在本页下方提供的 

    Instructor's Name

    Course Name

    Course Title




    Kenneth Schweitzer

    Rock, Pop, & American Culture

    MUS 106




    Bin Song

    SpTp: Confucianism & Ru Meditation

    PHL 394




    View Course Descriptions





    Course Descriptions

    White Space Filler


    Instructor: DeProspo

    This course is concerned with the establishment of American Studies as a curriculum 第二次世界大战后的美国学院和大学. 阅读材料种类繁多 of written texts, including those not traditionally considered literary, as well as a variety of other-than-written materials, including popular cultural ones, in accordance 美国研究对课程创新的最初承诺. Introductions to the modern phenomena of race, gender, sexual orientation, generation, and class in U.S. culture will be included. 从比较的角度看美国文化的影响 culture internationally and a review of the international American Studies movement 在国外大学也会有介绍.

    White Space Filler

    ART 261: Introductory Drawing Studio

    Instructor: Patterson

    This studio class introduces students to drawing through a range of material, conceptual, and skill-based approaches. 在注重绘画基本技巧和概念的同时, 课程也是跨学科的. 除了绘画基础知识, the course also places emphasis on experimental approaches and on connecting conceptual 思考一个人更广泛的创造性实践. 当代和历史的例子 of artists working within such a creative practice are covered through readings, lectures, and screenings.

    White Space Filler

    CSI 111: Computer Science 1

    Instructor: Lobo

    The objectives of this course are threefold: to introduce programming concepts and algorithmic development, to teach an object-oriented programming language, and to teach how to design, code, debug and document programs using the techniques of good programming style.

    White Space Filler



    教育心理学理论概论. 个人评价的各个方面 differences, and psychological adjustments that are relevant to education and applicable 到课堂实践将被检查.

    White Space Filler

    ENG 103:创意写作导论

    Instructor:: Amber Taliancich

    A workshop introducing new writers to several forms of creative writing, including 诗歌、小说和非小说. 学生将使用经典和当代文学作品 作为自己努力的榜样. 创意写作辅修,新闻,编辑 & 辅修出版,W2要求.

    White Space Filler

    ENG: 222:诗歌导论

    Instructor: James Hall

    This course will provide an introduction to the study of various styles and forms of poetry. 通过阅读不同美学流派的诗歌风格, students will consider the ways in which poetry has become a conversation across centuries, how the genre may act simultaneously as a personal and a political voice, and how it may be interpreted not only as intimate confession but also as “supreme fiction.” 创意写作,人文分布和W2要求.

    White Space Filler

    ENV 101:实验室环境研究导论

    Instructor: Rebecca Mensch

    本课程是环境研究学科的入门课程. A multidisciplinary view of human responsibility toward the natural world will be emphasized, focusing 关于重大的当代环境问题. 涉及的主题包括环境 literature (both historical and current), economic and ethical environmental concerns, scientific methods of assessment and analysis of environmental problems, and possible 解决有代表性的环境问题. 实验/复习部分 will be utilized for field trips, data collection, demonstrations, and discussions. 本课程是所有高级ENV课程的先决条件. The course should be completed by the end of the sophomore year if it is going to be counted toward the major.

    White Space Filler

    MAT 109:统计推断和数据分析

    Instructor: Poulsen

    Introduction to the theory and practice of data analysis and statistics in the natural and social sciences. 将使用统计软件. 主题将包括数据伦理, sampling, experimental design, descriptive statistics, conditional probability, the normal distribution, simple linear regression, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and decisions. MAT 109和BUS 109不能同时计入学分

    White Space Filler

    MAT 111:微分学

    Instructor: Ramsey

    解析几何,导数和微分,初等函数,极限, continuity, and applications. 前提条件:强烈建议学生 在学习这门课程之前应该有很强的代数和三角技能吗.

    White Space Filler

    MUS/ANT 104:介绍世界音乐和民族音乐学

    Instructor: McCollum

    An introduction to music of the world, including popular, folk, religious and classical traditions. 探索民族音乐学家组织和分析知识的方式 the world, while investigating the ways music acquires meaning in performances that 是否处于社会、历史和文化的位置.

    White Space Filler


    Instructor: Schweitzer

    从19世纪30年代到现代美国流行音乐的考察. With a particular emphasis being placed on the 1950s and 1960s, students will develop an understanding of the cultural, political, and economic forces of these eras and will examine how popular music history intersects with all aspects of American history and culture. 本课程还探讨了流行音乐中的几个重要线索 history, including the ever-present, but ever changing, role of race relations, the 科技发展的影响,以及音乐产业的历史. In addition to reading the assigned textbook, students are also asked to watch/listen to important archival performances, televised interviews with notable musicians, radio interviews 与九州娱乐官网的流行文化,和其他相关的第一手资料.

    White Space Filler

    PHL 294: SpTp: Monotheisms

    Instructor: Prud'Homme

    This distinctive course explores the topic of monotheism as a religious belief and system of thought. 围绕一神论的一个问题是它是否具有内在吸引力 believers toward intolerance, at least relative to polytheistic or non-theistic beliefs. Other questions concern the variety of monotheisms and whether the concept has a stable meaning. 另一个是一神论的理性基础. 本课程将探讨这些 questions by reference to historical polytheisms; Judaism; trinitarian thought in Christianity; Islam; contemporary monotheisms outside the Judeo-Christian-Islamic framework, including elements of Hinduism; and modern theologies. Religious texts 并且概念以及社会学的发展将被检查. Guest experts 会丰富学习经验吗.

    White Space Filler

    PHL/ rel394:专题:儒学和儒学冥想

    Instructor: Song

    This course introduces the philosophical concepts, sociological foundation, political implementation, and spiritual/religious practices of the Asian Ru (Confucian) tradition. While remaining sensitive to its varying characteristics through different historical 期间,本课程亦介绍了儒学在亚洲国家的发展 as Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Indonesia, and studies its historical interaction with Western cultures. 学生们被鼓励去思考和实践Ruist的见解 in a broader context of philosophical and religious studies, while being able to compare 它与其他主要的亚洲和西方哲学和宗教传统. Special acquired skills: students will learn Meditation in Motion in its varying forms, such 如呼吸、睡眠、静坐和太极拳等武术,以加强他们 身心健康,提高创造力和生产力.


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    Bunting Hall, lower level

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    Casey Academic Center

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    Casey Academic Center